β¨ Sparks
Ignite a new SparkSparks are the seeds of Growth. They are small tasks or ideas that help you improve your skills. Sparks can be something to find, learn, or build, and are great for collaboration.
Get familiar with Google Colab
Automate updates to github.io page
I have a page: https://gbdrm.github.io/ I want to automatically changed it based on some logic. Maybe based on my CodeSparks profile
Github contribution
Contribute to an open-source community by helping to close some issue. It often happens when repository contains issues with label, like: "good first issue".
Try to create a product or game with Kickstarter
Kickstarter sounds like a cool idea to use for implementing something. Need to try it.
Wave in the matrix
It would be cool to conduct an experiment that shows how the wave is behaving in the liquid. We may start with a square matrix 25x25. And put a wave in the center of it by changing the value of the central cell to 1000, when the rest of the values are 0. And on every iteration (e.g. 0.2s time interval) the value of every cell is re-calculated by getting an average of 8 neighbor cells. So, at timestamp 0, all the liquid is in the center. At timestamp 1, it's 0 in the center for for every of 8 cells near the center it will be 125 and so one. Maybe values will be changed in the future to have a nice picture. And to visualize it, let's use a blue color. The bigger the value is the darker the color is. We can create a small HTML/JavaScript app for visualization.
Get familiar with Cloudflare tech stack
Cloudflare provides now a bunch of services as a Cloud provider. Here is an example of full setup: https://github.com/Dhravya/cloudflare-saas-stack
Twitter bot with make and ChatGPT
Create a twitter account that will parse news and post them in twitter
Automate GitHub profile updates
It would be cool to have some automation to make changes in GitHub profile and GitHub.io web site
Database Design Principles
Get familiar with database design principles: #1: Avoid Redundancy #2: Primary Keys and Unique Identifiers #3: Null Values #4: Referential Integrity #5: Atomicity #6: Normalization #7: Data Typing #8: Indexing #9: Schema Partitioning #10: Authentication and Access Control #11: Conceal Sensitive Information #12: Don’t Store Authentication Keys